zondag 7 oktober 2012

Q&A Wanneer ben ik verlicht? | Jennifer Hoffman

Dear Jennifer:  I have been reading many spiritual books, attend classes and workshops and study all of the spiritual material I can find. I have spent many years doing this but I don’t feel that I am being enlightened through all I do. How long do I have to study and work at this before I feel enlightened?

Jennifer’s Answer: There is a difference between the journey of enlightenment and the journey to enlightenment and neither one is a final destination. There is no final destination, no end to our journey of enlightenment. You will never ‘be’ enlightened because you are already enlightened.  Maybe if you saw it as a process of connecting with and acknowledging your divinity, light and power, you would find the peace that you seek, instead of being confused and frustrated by this journey.

The first moment that you began to search for a new truth, to go within and to find new avenues of understanding, you completed one level of enlightenment and began another one. Did you celebrate yourself for that?

Each lifetime is a journey of whose purpose is our healing, learning, growth and transformation, which completes one level of enlightenment.  From that place we begin the next level. There is no single definition or way to do this, it is part of every lifetime and each individual is on their own path.

What you may be looking for is something you will not find, and that is someone who can tell you that you are enlightened, or to read or hear the one thing that will give you the confidence to know that you have reached this pinnacle. Read the rest of the article here.

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