woensdag 8 november 2017

Energy update november 2017 | Lee Harris

Main themes for this month are:
  • NOVEMBER and December will bring in more 'birth' energy and will hold a lot of light. These next 2 months will feel a lot easier for most people - BUT it doesn't mean they will be fast.
  • MANIFESTATION is very slow and hard to get going in the world generally right now.  We can have a lack of patience and frustration around this - that is part of our human experience on Earth at this time.
We will have periods of this for the next few years.  There will be periods of a few months where things seem to tighten and slow down and then we'll go into a period where things can expand.
  • EMOTIONS on Earth right now are very, very high. BUT the emotional awareness or consciousness about the way people are communicating about their emotions/inflicting their emotions on others is very low.
Don't be surprised if strong emotions are hitting you out of nowhere - even if you're someone who is usually very steady. High emotion is going around and grief is elevated right now.
  • DIVISION energies are strong at the moment globally. However, the energy of division can also strengthen togetherness on the opposite end.
Don't be disheartened by the difficult things you're seeing in the world UNLESS, that's just where you need to go that day or for a few hours AND you are equally seeing the things in the world that are good.
  • REMEMBER, nothing here is promised or given. When we can adopt that way of thinking we start to see the magic a little bit more. We start to see the miracle of life itself.
We are not being asked to see how amazing things are by our media or by certain voices and forces at the moment. If you can't change them, you change YOU first. You change where YOU focus and you change what YOU put out into the world.


Energy Forecast November 2017 | Emmanuel Dagher

Foreshadowing the Year of the Feminine – November 2017


My friend,

There’s so much for us to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

A Foreshadowing of the Return of the Divine Feminine

In October, we began to see the next level of awakening taking place in the hearts and minds of humanity.
This awakening is directly linked to the influx of the Divine Feminine energies being activated within the consciousness of each person on the planet, preparing us for the new shifts coming in 2018 and beyond.
The foundations for us to receive the next wave of awakening into the Divine Feminine will continue to build and strengthen throughout November.

Strengthening Our Intuition

One of the many gifts the Divine Feminine offers us is the gift of intuition.
Our intuition works closely with the right hemisphere of the brain, offering us insights that bypass the confines of logic and reason.

It’s a natural inner knowing that transcends mental intellect, and connects us to the wisdom of the heart. Intuition is the voice of our Spirit.

Our intuition speaks to us constantly, whether the mind chooses to listen to it or even be aware of it or not. It is always guiding us in the direction of our highest path, and nudging us toward greater expansion, so that we can live the greatest version of our life in this third dimensional reality.
In November, we will be given the opportunity to connect more deeply with our intuition. This can come in many different ways.

The only thing asked of us, is that we pay attention to and live in the present moment as much as we can. This will ensure that our connection to our intuition is strengthened significantly, so that we will be ready for the next phase of our personal and collective awakening.

By connecting with our intuition, we empower our lives to flow with greater ease. The more aligned we are with that higher flow, the more aligned we are to creating a life of fulfillment, joy, love, peace, prosperity, freedom, and well-being.

The Illusion Is Dissolving

For eons, collective society has predominantly operated on survival-driven patriarchal principles. These have come to us through institutions that have promoted fear and separation, delivered in the forms of religion, war, education, government, entertainment, and medicine.

During this time, the more nurturing, intuitive, and creative principles of the Divine Feminine, such as valuing the individual, honoring the Earth, and seeking natural healing and personal growth, were shoved to the side as being too passive, heart-based, and nonproductive.
Humanity lived with this imbalance for thousands of years. Yet it was all part of a Soul contract we all made to use that imbalance to learn lessons, heal, evolve, and come back to the truth of who we are at our core.

It’s important to thank and honor all of the patriarchal institutions that promoted fear and separation, as challenging as that may be, because they played a pivotal part in our awakening process.

They signed up to play the role of the challenger on our journey, so that we could see the contrast between what we wanted to create more of in our lives, and what we did not want more of.

The moment we are able to thank and honor all of the challenges in our lives, no matter how hard they seem at the time, is the moment we free ourselves from the power they have held over us.

This is what is happening now. People are waking up and freeing themselves from the illusion of fear and separation.
We are taking their power back!

This movement is dissolving the old survival-based patriarchal system, as the more matriarchal values of heart-based, soul-directed living come to the front of our consciousness.

We can clearly see the dissolving of the old system happening all around the world. Systems and ideologies operating by way of fear tactics, control, greed, and secrecy, without integrity, will not be able to continue on much longer.

The chaos and seeming amplification of fear we have been seeing lately is actually a clear confirmation that humanity as a whole has had enough, and that we are ready for something very different. 

If things are looking a little scarier to you in the world, it’s because there is a desperation being felt right now by those trying to cause the fear.

The way I view it is that it’s the “ego” part of humanity—just the mind trying to protect itself and keep things the same.
With this awareness, we can have compassion, without having to buy or feed into the fear tactics.

The awakening process was called forth by our Spirit long before we even entered this paradigm. So we can take comfort in knowing that there’s no right or wrong when it comes to how we move through our awakening. 

Our intuition will always find a way to guide us back to our true selves, whether we choose to take the longer scenic route or a more direct one. 

The Next Phase of Awakening 

This new phase of our awakening, which began in October, is supporting us in moving past the role of the Victim.

We now have the opportunity to retire the Victim archetype that we and our ancestors have identified with over many lifetimes.

Before we retire the Victim archetype, it’s important to honor it for serving to keep us safe and protected in a world that used to operate purely on survival.

It’s also important that we give our experiences of identifying with victim consciousness their full dignity and right to be seen, heard, and acknowledged.

This is actually the first step toward freeing ourselves from continuing to remain in the role of the victim.

We never want to sugarcoat, get rid of, blame, or deny anything that we experienced during those times that we identified with being a victim.

The second step in releasing victim consciousness is to accept every person, experience, and thing as it has shown up in our lives, without trying to change it.
By accepting these things, we are not saying that we resonate, approve of, or agree with them. We are simply giving ourselves permission to not allow them to define us.

The third step in releasing victim consciousness is to let go of blame—in other words, forgiveness.

Blame comes from a need to make something or someone else right/wrong or good/bad, and somehow responsible for what we have experienced.

At our core, we are the Creator of all of our experiences.
When we consciously operate from our Creator Self, we transcend duality. We move from judgment into discernment. 

As we step into the beauty and power of our Creator Self, we navigate our way forward by choosing only what feels to be in alignment for us, and releasing what doesn’t. We understand that just because something does or does not resonate with us doesn’t mean it is good or bad, or someone else’s decision for us, or vice versa.

Can you feel how much lighter it is to operate from that space?  

There is only resonance or no resonance. Meaning, “I choose more of this, or I choose less or none of this.” There is no need for “good” or “bad” labels anymore.
This is freedom!

The fourth step in moving past victim consciousness is to reclaim our power.
Reclaiming our power means we are committed to connecting with who we are at our core. We do this through self-love, care, kindness, nourishment, spiritual development, and creative expression.

The most powerful people on the planet are not the ones who control or belittle others.

The most powerful people on the planet are the ones who know who they truly are. 

They know that they are far greater than the sum of all of their experiences and stories.

They know how to express themselves fully and to speak up from a place of love, without having to prove anything to anyone.
They forgive quickly, and move past challenging experiences with greater ease.

They are kind and loving to the world around them, and care for the well-being of all living things.

They make a difference on the planet, without worrying how small or large the effect of that may be.

They see past race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.

They root for and celebrate others’ ability to thrive.

They see themselves as part of a whole, rather than as being separate from all other forms of life.

They know how to love, and how to be open and vulnerable.

They are positive and optimistic.

They stand up for what they believe in.

And so much more.

Just a Small Glimpse of the Divine Feminine 

The insights shared in this Forecast are just a small glimpse of what’s coming with the next wave of awakening through the Divine Feminine.

It’s going to be so powerful!

In December, the Divine Feminine will be here in Her full glory, to usher us into 2018, the Year of the Divine Feminine.

I’m excited to share so much more of what this means for us in the coming months!

For now, we can let ourselves receive and digest this current phase of awakening, so that we are ready for all the magic soon coming our way.

Until next time,

Miraculously Yours,


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zondag 2 april 2017

Het geheime leven van water | Dr. Emoto

"Het water binnen onszelf hoort bij het water dat stroomt door de natuur en hoort bij het ritme van het hele universum. In Europa en ook in andere delen van de wereld zei men altijd al dat de maan heerst over water. De getijden worden rechtstreeks beïnvloed door de baan die de maan beschrijft. 

Misschien zijn eb en vloed de meest zichtbare reacties op de maan. Maar ook bij andere vormen van leven vind je een dergelijk verband. De mossel voelt de aantrekkingskracht van de maan en opent bij vloed haar schelp. De broedcyclus van de zee-egel volgt precies de maancyclus. Meeuwen komen altijd bij volle maan aan land om hun eieren te leggen, om andere redenen dan het sterke licht. Het is dan ook nauwelijks te verwachten dat het menselijk lichaam, dat voor 70% uit water bestaat, een uitzondering vormt. Er worden meer baby’s geboren bij volle maan, zoals iedere verloskundige je kan vertellen.

De voortplantingscyclus van de vrouw volgt de maancyclus. Veel hooggevoelige mensen zeggen dat de energie van de volle maan op hen inwerkt. Die energie wordt ook in verband gebracht met krankzinnigheid en weerwolven. We kennen zelfs het woord maanziek. Het is volkomen logisch dat de meeste van de oude beschavingen vertrouwden op de maankalender om de tijd te meten. De maankalender, die nauw aansluit op de cyclus van het leven, was een belangrijk hulpmiddel bij het planten en oogsten.

Als ons ritme de fasen van de maan volgt, kunnen we ons gemakkelijker aanpassen aan het stromen van het water binnenin ons. Dit betekent niets minder dan leven volgens het ritme van de natuur. Het is ook een wijsheid die de moderne mens grotendeels ontgaat.

Enigszins vergelijkbaar met deze maankalender is de kalender van de 13 maanden die de Maya’s gebruiken. Volgens dr. Jose Arguelles zullen mensen, als deze kalender wereldwijd wordt gebruikt, gaan leven naar het ritme van de natuur. Dit zou veel problemen in de moderne maatschappij kunnen oplossen.

Misschien is het overgaan op deze maankalender niet voor iedereen praktisch of wenselijk. Maar we kunnen ons wel op onze eigen manier afstemmen op de maan en het ritme van het leven. Het menselijk lichaam is een minuscuul universum op zich. Door ons aan te passen aan dit prachtige universum binnenin ons kunnen we de energie die uit de kosmos stroomt volledig ervaren. Als we weer één worden met het universum herontdekken we de eenvoud en spontaniteit waarvoor wij waren bestemd en die voor ons waren bestemd.

Het aantal mensen op de wereld dat innerlijke genezing zoekt is enorm. Misschien hoor je er ook wel bij. Mogelijk komt dit doordat de omgeving die we voor onszelf geschapen hebben zich te snel heeft ontwikkeld en we nu beland zijn in een zelfgemaakte wereld van pijn en vermoeidheid.

Hoe redden we ons hieruit? Luister naar de melodie uit de wereld om je heen. Als je dit ritme kunt voelen in het water dat jouw wezen vormt, word je één met de waterkristallen. Dit is het leven dat zo velen van ons zoeken. Het is de genezende ervaring waarvan we weten dat ze diep in onze ziel op ons wacht. Iedereen zoekt genezing.”

Bron: Het Geheime Leven van Water - Dr. Masaru Emoto