maandag 29 april 2013

Fasten your seatbelts in May | Jennifer Hoffman

As we complete the last few days of April many of us are wondering what else can happen? April was certainly eventful on the global scale and it didn’t even have the energetic potential of May, which has two eclipses and the third Uranus Pluto square, as well as starting with both the Sun and Mars opposing Saturn. This is where the rubber meets the road and if we are not firmly strapped in our seats, meaning grounded in our own energy and intention, we may get thrown around the cabin a little bit.

When I lived in Australia I would take the very long flight between Sydney and Los Angeles, which always experienced heavy turbulence mid-flight. As we approached that point the pilot would turn on the seat belt sign and warn passengers to get back into their seats. Most of them did but there were always a few who did not.  As we reached that point on one flight the plane suddenly dropped several hundred feet and everyone who was not strapped in flew up and hit the roof of the cabin. Several people were severely injured.

May is a little like that, there will be smooth times and mixed with patches of heavy turbulence. As long as we are prepared for them, we will navigate them successfully. Some of that heavy turbulence will include choices that we need to make that will up-end our lives, others will be the results of others’ choices that impact us. And the answers to our prayers sometimes creates consequences we did not consider. As we set an intention, we create an energetically charged intention field around us. Anyone or anything that isn’t aligned with that intention and its energy may quickly make an exit. Conversely, anything that matches the energy of the intention field will quickly enter.

Balancing the incoming and outgoing traffic may be a little unsettling this month. The big question we must honestly answer for ourselves, is are we happy. If we are not living in joy, loving everything about our lives, then May’s energy will point out, with great clarity, the missing pieces and then help us to fill in the blanks. This may be inviting a change we have been considering but have not had the courage to do, or it may be allowing a belief, thought pattern, person, thing or situation to leave our life. It can be more fulfilling to open a door ourselves, with grace and ease, than to have it opened for us. We are ready for the changes that arrive, on a deeper level, even if we do not think that we are.

We are  now five months into 2013 and it feels like we haven’t made much progress. Where are the peace, joy, love and abundance that we thought would happen once we achieved the December milestones? They are potentials that still exist and in May the structures that need to come down in order to make room for them will start moving. The May 21 Uranus/Pluto square is a powerful point, as are the May eclipses. All of them point to change in the form of upheaval and turbulence but sometimes we need to see the problems clearly before we are ready to take action. I think that the intense activity we may see this month will open even the most tightly closed eyes. This is usually the case, events and situations unfold until we have the information we need, with a degree of clarity that leaves no doubt, about what needs to happen next.

Have a wonderful  month and keep those seat belts fastened.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, link to and translate this article, on free, non-commercial websites only, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

dinsdag 16 april 2013

50 dingen waar een mens het meest gelukkig van wordt

Een gezegde dat je bijna dagelijks hoort, is: ‘Geluk zit in de kleine dingen’. Brits onderzoek, uitgevoerd onder 3000 volwassenen, bewijst nu dat dit echt waar is. Het blijkt namelijk dat het vinden van een tientje in een oude spijkerbroek ons het gelukkigst maakt. De top 3 bestaat verder uit op vakantie gaan en in een bed slapen die net verschoond is.

Op basis van de onderzoeksresultaten is er een top 50 samengesteld. Met name de zon lijkt een positief effect te hebben op ons geluksgevoel. Wakker worden op een zonnige dag, in de zon picknicken en autorijden met open ramen in de zon, staan allemaal in de top 20.

Een woordvoerder van het onderzoek zegt over de resultaten: “Als we een slechte dag op ons werk hebben, kan een complimentje van de baas ons humeur direct verbeteren. Vastzitten in het verkeer wordt minder erg als ons favoriete liedje op de radio komt en een beetje aandacht van vrienden en familie doen wonderen voor ons geluksgevoel.”

De lijst met 50 dingen waar een mens gelukkig van wordt:
1. Het vinden van tien euro in een oude spijkerbroek
2. Op vakantie gaan
3. Slapen in een verschoond bed
4. Zwemmen in de zee
5. Wakker worden op een zonnige dag
6. In de zon zitten
7. Verrast worden met bloemen of bonbons
8. Een mooi bericht krijgen van een dierbare
9. Knuffelen
10. Een bedankkaartje krijgen
11. Het zien van oude mensen die hand in hand zitten
12. Autorijden met de ramen open op een zonnige dag
13. Een tientje winnen in de loterij
14. Het boeken van een vakantie
15. Luisteren naar je favoriete liedje
16. Het vinden van een koopje
17. Weerzien met een oude vriend
18. Picknick in het park
19. Promotie maken
20. Een romantisch avondje uit
21. Muziek horen dat mooie herinneringen oproept
22. Oude foto’s terug zien
23. Een nieuwe vriend maken
24. Een momentje hebben voor jezelf
25. Wandelen in de natuur
26. Een kind horen lachen
27. Een avondje stappen met vrienden of vriendinnen
28. Op zaterdagmorgen wakker worden en je realiseren dat het weekend is
29. Chocolade
30. Taart eten
31. Een spijkerbroek passen, waarvan je dacht dat hij te klein was
32. Compliment ontvangen van de baas
33. Geur van versgebakken brood of koekjes
34. Warm bubbelbad
35. Iemand die vraagt of je bent afgevallen
36. Ontdekken dat iemand jou leuk vindt
37. Diners op zondagavond
38. Geur van vers gemaaid gras
39. Aankomen op je vakantieadres
40. Als je haar goed zit
41. Feestdagen
42. Slagen voor een rijexamen
43. Overnachten in een luxe hotelkamer
44. Als je kind het goed doet op school
45. Iemand aanbieden om te laten zitten in tram, metro of trein
46. Als iemand jou een parkeerkaartje geeft die nog geldig is
47. Wakker worden en ontdekken dat het heeft gesneeuwd
48. Een koud biertje drinken na het werk
49. Lekker eten
50. Zoenen

 bron: Ode

woensdag 10 april 2013

The Price of Belief and Cost of Judgment | Jennifer Hoffman

Every thought, word and action reflects a belief and they all have an energetic cost in our life. If we look at our beliefs and the judgments we derive from them, in terms of how they either expand or limit the flow of energy in our life, we can also look at our life in terms of value and whether we are unconsciously limiting energy flows in subtle ways. While we think of cost, price and value in terms of money, we have to also apply them to energy because it is through our beliefs and judgments that we mange our energetic resources.

During a recent visit to the eye doctor I spoke with the technician about the benefits of coconut oil, after she told me how dry her hands were.  I could tell that she was unhappy, struggling and felt very limited in her life. She said ‘I can’t afford it’ at least four times during our discussion. She spoke about her mother’s chronic COPD and attributed it to second hand smoke but I felt there was more to it than that, a lifetime spent feeling limited, stifled and blocked exerts a heavy price–if you feel you don’t have enough room to breathe into the fullness of your being, your body will mirror that belief for you. I tried to explain these principles to her but knew that she wasn’t ready to hear me, her beliefs about life’s limitations and judgments of  what was possible were too firmly entrenched for her to consider other options.  Maybe one day she will be, that was not the day.

I wondered in what other areas of her life she was continuing these inherited patterns of limiting beliefs and judgments that she learned from her family. These beliefs are almost always part of our energetic lineage, we believe and think as we are taught to and learn from our parents but we also have the opportunity to change them. Our desire for something different is followed by a thought that either limits its expression or expands our ability to receive enough energy to empower it. With every belief and judgment, we are either empowering our joy or limiting its expression because it’s all about the flow of energy. Our beliefs, especially our victim beliefs, can extract a heavy price when they create judgments that cost us joy, peace, love, serenity, security and movement.
Judgments limit the flow of energy to what we....  read the rest of the article here

About Jennifer Hoffman
Jennifer Hoffman is an author, intuitive mystic, channel, speaker, self and life mastery expert and host of the top-rated Enlightening Life radio show on Blog Talk Radio. Since 2004, Jennifer has written the weekly Enlightening Life newsletter, a source of education, information and transformatioin for its more than 2 million readers. Through Jennifer's work her clients experience profound soul level healing, self and life empowerment and experience more joyful and abundant living. A recognized leader in the transformational and self help fields, Jennifer regularly teaches, writes and speaks on the global stage. Learn more about her work at