zondag 28 oktober 2012

The 2012 Gateway Trajectory | Owen Waters

Owen Waters
2013 is almost here and it will bring a bright new dawn for everything related to the New Reality. Instead of being beset by multiple expiring cosmic cycles, we will become immersed in a new era where it becomes very easy to create positive new projects.

I learned from my primary guide – a senior member of the spiritual hierarchy who functions as the Lord Protector of The Shift – about a principle called the 2012 Gateway Trajectory.

This principle states that the pattern of consciousness that you have at the close of the cosmic cycles on December 21st, 2012 will influence your trajectory through experience for many thousands of years into the future.

The 2012 gateway is rather like a vortex. You enter it from one side, pass through the eye of the vortex where your pattern of consciousness is stamped or fixed within your aura, then you exit the vortex into a whole new set of multi-millennia cosmic cycles bearing that pattern.

As a spiritual seeker, you are a lightworker and therefore a leading thinker in the advancement of consciousness. You may have adopted one or more challenges to work through in this life so that you could create a pattern in the mind belt to make it easier for others to follow and heal their own lives.

You’ve borne those challenges, not so much because you need the experience, but because other people need pioneers to resolve the issues that are important today. The more the pioneers succeed in resolving their issues, the easier it becomes for the rest to follow.

The point of knowing this is so that you may resolve whatever challenges still face you before December 21st, 2012. As you head towards the 2012 gateway, it’s time to take inventory and see where you stand on matters of unfinished business.

Whatever gives you discomfort – even so much as a nagging doubt that all is not right – now is the time to address those issues. Anything that gives you a feeling of being out of harmonious alignment of mind, body and soul should be addressed and resolved.

Remember, you’re not the challenge that you are facing. You adopted it as something to master in order to make the way easier for others to follow the pattern you set in the global mind atmosphere. The average lightworker has already mastered those challenges in previous lives. They took the same challenges upon themselves in these critical days because they knew they could rise above and resolve those challenges in time to help set a pattern for others to follow and set themselves free.

If you are currently working through a major life challenge and feel as though you’re going round in circles and getting nowhere, stop and look for the gift in that challenge. The gift is that, by loving yourself and others more, you can rise above the challenge and become more of who you really are. Then, the experience changes from one of challenge to one of self-empowerment.

The solution to a challenge in the material world is typically not to be found in the material world at the level of the problem. The answer is found when you rise above that frequency and gain from the resources of the higher aspects of your mind. Fear-based challenges, for example, are always resolved by connecting with the strength and security of your inner being.

Real strength does not lie anywhere in the outside world. It lies within you. Once you find that inner power, you rise above any limitation and stand as a self-realized way-shower in a world desperate for spiritual freedom.

We can look forward to December 21st, 2012 as the gateway that marks the close of many cosmic cycles and the end of the functionality of the old ways.

The 2012 gateway is the beginning of a world full of opportunities. Positive action will come very easily when all the cycles begin anew and are running in their constructive, ascending mode.

Most of all, decide before then to make Spiritual Growth your number one priority and you will harvest an ever-increasing joy in the years ahead.

Make the 2012 gateway everything you want it to be. Make it a beautiful event opening into a wonderful future filled with joy and enlightenment! 

Owen Waters

zaterdag 27 oktober 2012

Volle Maan Meditatie maandag 29 oktober | Martha van Mourik

Helende Liefde

Rode Klaver | foto Jan van Mourik
Lieve lichtwerkers,

Alles wat niet meer resoneert met de liefde, houdt op te bestaan, valt uiteen. De kosmische Wet van Resonantie wordt steeds zichtbaarder op het wereldtoneel. Resoneren wil zeggen in harmonie trillen. Alleen resonerende elementen kunnen als krachten worden samengebundeld om een hogere vibratie of frequentie te bereiken. Deze hogere frequenties blijven toenemen, waardoor de lagere frequenties die resoneren, mee gaan trillen met de hogere frequenties, maar de lagere frequenties die niet resoneren in harmonie, deze elementen vallen uiteen.
Deze kosmische natuurwet wordt steeds zichtbaarder in onze wereld, veel oude onharmonieuze energieën worden zichtbaar om uiteen te vallen, gewoonweg te verdwijnen.
Dit biedt een opening voor het Nieuwe Leven in harmonie wat zich meer en meer aandient.

Lees verder onder deze link

maandag 22 oktober 2012

My Mother's Hummer | Jennifer Hoffman


My mother pointed to a Hummer that passed by as we were having lunch at an outside cafe one day and said calmly ‘That’s the car I want and if I was twenty years younger, I would buy it.” Although I was surprised to hear that my dignified, petite mother would want an oversize, flashy, bright yellow Hummer, I told her that she should buy one now,  if that would make her happy. But she said no, she was ‘too old’ and she was OK with the car she had, a conservative sedan. I thought about this conversation later and wondered how long she had hidden her desire for a Hummer, or any other dreams, from herself and the world? What other goals did she have buried within her that she never acted on because she was afraid of criticism, of going against the flow, or unsure of how to begin? Our mothers also carried Indigo energy, so why didn’t they use it more powerfully and share it with us instead of trying so hard to block ours? Or did they have a different intention? I have pondered this question for a long time and the answer gave me a new perspective on what has been a challenging situation in my life.

In her place, I would go out and buy the Hummer, even at age 75, but that’s me. And it’s also the product of years of showing my mother that I could do whatever I wanted to do, to be successful and have what I wanted, no matter how much she tried to stop me.  Or did she? That’s how I have always interpreted her actions but is that what she was really trying to do? Since I have lived close by I have learned a lot about her life and found new reasons for her inability to support and guide me towards the fulfillment of my dreams, the first being that she never had anyone to support her. And the second was in the disappointment and pain that she has had in her life because while she had dreams, she never learned how to fight for them.

Read the rest of the article on Jennifers blog by clicking here


zondag 21 oktober 2012

Being Comfortable with the Uncomfortable | Your Pocket Guru

Happiness often begins with first being a little uncomfortable. 

Whenever you’re in a situation that feels uncomfortable to you, that feeling is coming from one of two places: either your soul communicating to you or your ego self communicating at you.
There are three general reasons why you would feel uncomfortable.  The first is the normal human response to danger… fire is hot, look both ways before crossing the street, don’t trust this person, etc.

The second is from the ego self, which stems from what I call false fear, which is a fear of something that is not true. This false fear mostly arises when we are assuming. When we assume, we usually assume the worst about some situation or person.  Have you noticed 9 times out of 9 we are wrong?!  Simple fix… stop assuming anything about anything!

The third type of discomfort also comes from our ego and is another type of false fear. It arises when we want to do something healthy for ourselves — physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Example: you want to work out to get in shape & lose weight, so you start thinking about how you really need to do so and decide you are going to start today. Then, the ego voice says, “You didn’t sleep well enough last night, so you probably won’t have a good workout.  Why not wait until tomorrow?”  That tomorrow turns into next week, next week into next month, and now that ego voice says, “You are too out of shape to work out; it will be too difficult; it’s much easier to lift the phone and order a pizza, followed by a big bowl of ice cream!”

Read the rest of the article @ Your Pocket Guru

vrijdag 19 oktober 2012


You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can't solve your
own doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside, not
outside. Knowing yourself is most important.

Ajahn Chah

zondag 14 oktober 2012

Your body language shapes who you are | Amy Cuddy

In deze feel good en inspirerende video laat Amy Cuddy het effect van lichaamstaal zien, en hoe je door je lichaamstaal te veranderen alles in je leven verandert. 
Fake it 'till you make become it!

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident -- can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
Amy Cuddy’s research on body language reveals that we can change other people’s perceptions — and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions.

Meer  over Amy Cuddy

woensdag 10 oktober 2012

Vrijheid | Yvette Visser


Lieve jij,

Weet jij wat werkelijke stilte is? Hoe dat voelt, ruikt, klinkt, proeft? Als gezin waren wij een paar jaar geleden in een land waar mijn zintuigen maximaal geprikkeld werden. Op markten zagen wij de mooiste kleuren en roken we de meest intense geuren. Een land vol contrasten.

Waar ik maar naar moest blijven kijken was het contrast tussen vruchtbaar en droog landschap. De invloed van water en mens op de omgeving. Wij zaten op een boot en voeren dagen over de rivier. Aan beide zijden van de rivier waren de meest intens groene kleuren te zien, met daarachter de intense kleuren van de woestijn, bruin, rood, beige. De scheiding was abrupt, zonder water geen vruchtbaar leven. Langs het water hier en daar kleine nederzettingen en een indrukwekkende tempel waar je je zo weer terug in de tijd waande.

Op een hele vroege ochtend toen het nog helemaal donker was vertrokken we met een groepje de laatste nacht in. We kwamen aan op een veld waar een grote bedrijvigheid heerste. Er lag een mand met luchtballon op de grond en wij mochten hier in mee varen. Het moment van loslaten is onbeschrijfelijk. Wanneer er een aantal zandzakken losgelaten wordt voel je dat je eerst aan de ene kant en dan aan de andere kant opgetild wordt. Je perspectief naar de aarde verandert in een paar seconden totaal. Je voelt dat je in het eerste ochtendlicht boven de aarde uitstijgt en ziet de mensen op de grond steeds kleiner worden. We zijn opgestegen aan de rand van een stad en ik krijg het meest bijzondere beeld te zien. Onder mij aan de ene kant de huizenblokken waarvan vele daken nooit afgemaakt zijn. Daar buiten liggen vele mensen nog te slapen boven op hun huis. Aan de andere kant nog een klein stukje groen en dan… woestijn zover je kunt kijken.

Ondertussen komt de zon op en wij voelen allemaal: dit is magisch! Iedereen wordt stil, in zichzelf gekeerd, hier en daar een traan van ontroering. Het eerste zonlicht, de weidsheid, de verbinding met elkaar zonder woorden, de stilte die je kunt voelen en bijna aan kunt raken. En bovenal de vrijheid!

Lees hier op Yvette's blog verder....

zondag 7 oktober 2012

Energy Forecast | Emmanuel Dagher

"It's Like Giving Birth!"
October 2012
Blessings beautiful friend,

What a roller coaster ride the energies have taken us on this past September! For some, the energies were so intense that saying it was like holding on for dear life is an understatement. A great deal of this intensity came as a direct result of the second of seven Uranus/Pluto squares that occurred on September 19th. With that and the purging process that always precedes an Equinox, all I can say is phew! For many who have consciously been dedicated to their spiritual path, the recent energies felt much like the uncomfortable yet paradigm shifting energies many of us moved through in the final quarter of 2007. That cycle resulted in a massive elevation in the collective consciousness and played a big role in leading us to where we are today as a whole.

After the Equinox on September 22nd, the pressure cooker feeling that many of us have been experiencing finally started to loosen up. For those who quickly surrendered to this massive releasing process, a familiar ease, joy, and comfort started to re-emerge soon after. It became much easier to see and connect with the magic within ourselves and all around us. If we had projects or other things in the works that felt as if they were placed on hold, new doors started to open up and things started to move forward once again.
For others, who may not have embraced as quickly the releasing process that came right after the Equinox, the challenges we had been facing prior amplified and moved forward with us. The key thing to note is that challenges are just lessons in disguise.  It's the way we react to a challenge that directs what our experiences will continue to be. A challenge simply allows us to look inside ourselves and gauge whether there is still some inner healing that can be done. In this case, some simple yet empowering questions that can support us in our healing process could be:

"What can I do right now to fully embrace the present moment?"

"What can I choose to release and let go of today that no longer feels in alignment with my greatest good?"

"What lessons and gifts am I meant to receive from this experience?"

"How can I consciously choose to create more joy in my life today?"

Questions like this light up new and life enhancing neuro-waves in the brain that open us up to higher insights and revelations. These insights have the power to expand us instantly and ... read the whole article by clicking this link

Q&A Wanneer ben ik verlicht? | Jennifer Hoffman

Dear Jennifer:  I have been reading many spiritual books, attend classes and workshops and study all of the spiritual material I can find. I have spent many years doing this but I don’t feel that I am being enlightened through all I do. How long do I have to study and work at this before I feel enlightened?

Jennifer’s Answer: There is a difference between the journey of enlightenment and the journey to enlightenment and neither one is a final destination. There is no final destination, no end to our journey of enlightenment. You will never ‘be’ enlightened because you are already enlightened.  Maybe if you saw it as a process of connecting with and acknowledging your divinity, light and power, you would find the peace that you seek, instead of being confused and frustrated by this journey.

The first moment that you began to search for a new truth, to go within and to find new avenues of understanding, you completed one level of enlightenment and began another one. Did you celebrate yourself for that?

Each lifetime is a journey of whose purpose is our healing, learning, growth and transformation, which completes one level of enlightenment.  From that place we begin the next level. There is no single definition or way to do this, it is part of every lifetime and each individual is on their own path.

What you may be looking for is something you will not find, and that is someone who can tell you that you are enlightened, or to read or hear the one thing that will give you the confidence to know that you have reached this pinnacle. Read the rest of the article here.

maandag 1 oktober 2012

The Energies of October | Jennifer Hoffman

We’re moving closer to that anticipated date of December 21, 2012. But the date we need to really think about is December 22 because life, the earth, the universe will all go on. The question is, where do we want it to go and what do we want to be doing? It is more important than ever that we focus on our day-to-day journey now, as with each step, choice, lesson and experience, we are shifting the dynamics of our entire ascension path. And October brings us some important energy to encourage us to start taking action on what we have learned. In fact, the keywords for this month are ‘reclaim’ and repurpose’.

There are several major events in October that present opportunities for us to reclaim and repurpose our energy. The first is the movement of Saturn from Libra, where it has been since October 2009,  to Scorpio. This also takes us full circle from the last Saturn change from Libra to Scorpio, in December 1982. What decisions or choices, opportunities or events were happening then that are being repeated now? Saturn in Libra showed us just how much our individual and collective realities have been allowed to get out of balance. For the next 3 years we can go within to discover where we can restore ourselves internally so we face the world from a more balanced and empowered  place. We are learning from what is happening in the world that outer power is an illusion if it doesn’t have an inner Source. We also have Mercury entering its shadow on October 18 as it prepares to retrograde in November. And we have the ongoing effects of the Uranus/Pluto square that are shaking out anything that is not aligned or in integrity with our highest purpose, even if we don’t really want to see it. All of our wounds, insecurities, misalignments, misconnections and fears are presenting themselves for release. Decide to let them go because they are a huge energy drain that impacts your energy levels and how you process new energy downloads.

Whether it happened in the last two minutes or twenty years ago, every traumatic situation holds a piece of our energy and light and we unintentionally and unconsciously sustain those connections energetically.
Lees hier verder....

Ascending Into Miracles