dinsdag 24 februari 2015

Change is Coming, Are you Ready for it? | Jennifer Hoffman


I have to share a secret with you, I don’t really like change. In fact, I am very much a creature of habit. I love order and routine, so when I have to make changes, I generally take my time and then make them when I don’t have any other options. This means that change happens rather abruptly and sometimes in ways I can’t manage, meaning I can’t delay it any longer. Our need for change arises when we have ‘run out of energy road’ in our current reality and if we’re going to move in any direction, we’re going to have to allow change to happen. We can’t be open to transformation (which means to ‘change form’)  if we aren’t willing to change anything in our life, especially when moving forward or fulfilling an intention requires some kind of change, or for something in our life to be different.
Change means altering our lives, creating a new routine, and doing things differently. We always have to learn something new when things change, and that can be one reason we delay the change for so long. In fact, we’ll delay it until no other option is available and then we have to scramble to change something. But even though we’re content with the way things are, we are not necessarily happy or satisfied or fulfilled. We learn to adjust to and cope with things that don’t work and tell ourselves that they’re OK, until we can’t cope any longer.
car_wreck_nolicIn 2010 I had a serious car accident on an icy highway that totaled my car. I loved that car and had owned it for 13 years. It was our family car, so it held lots of memories and losing it was hard. Although it had a few minor mechanical issues I knew how to work around them. One of my children had wrecked it a few years prior and the right headlamp kept falling out. So I carried duct tape in the car and would apply it as needed. The ignition switch wouldn’t always work but I knew how to jiggle the key to start it. The gas gauge wasn’t always reliable so I made sure I filled it as soon as it went down to a half tank. I don’t like buying new cars and usually drive mine until they stop working. In this case, I really  needed to get another car but I wasn’t going to until the universe gave me a little push. Totaling the car was the push I needed because I had no other choice, my car was now dead.
So I went on the dreaded car buying trip and found a newer model, which came with GPS. After my first guided trip around town, I was hooked. I love GPS and being ‘directionally challenged’, I appreciate not having to drive around with a map on my lap, trying to figure out where I am so I can get to where I am going. But I would not have gotten the car when I did, and I would have continued to tolerate annoying mechanical issues and not having accurate, automated road guidance,  if my other car had not been taken out of my life.  Change was needed and it was time for me to allow the change to happen. To be honest, driving was always frustrating, especially when I was driving in an unfamiliar place because I don’t have a great sense of direction. I always carry maps in my car and I still do, but I have my GPS to help me get around a lot more effortlessly.
I had to buy a new printer last week because my old printer stopped working. Again, I use my office equipment until it dies, even if there are technically superior options available. My old printer did what I needed, sort of. I could never get the wireless to work, the scanner stopped working, the paper feed wouldn’t handle more than 10 sheets at a time, and I never did figure out how to print envelopes.
HPprinter8625This is a photo of my new HP printer which, among other things, is fully wireless (I even printed from my phone), and offers duplex (2-sided) printing. It is very fast, the scanner works, and I printed envelopes effortlessly today. It prints graph paper (go figure), calendars, forms, and reports, and I also can program it to receive all kinds of automated information from various sources. I received my first inspirational messages today, which I read while I was eating breakfast (I scheduled them to print early in the morning).
How we view change determines how we experience it. If we think it’s going to be ridiculously hard, upsetting, and traumatic, it will be. And if we use that opinion to wait until the last minute to change, we can expect to get something that is going to give us the push that will help us acknowledge that we need to allow change to happen. But if we see change as part of the process that happens when we set a new intention for our life, then we create a better, more graceful pathway for change to follow. Then change becomes part of the process instead of the instigator. We can have an accident on an icy road and be carless for a week, or we can start shopping for a new car when we know we need one. Either way, the change is going to happen. How it happens is up to us.
Are you tolerating things that don’t work, don’t make you happy, are hard work, and don’t flow in your life because you’re afraid of change?
duct_tapeWhat do you duct tape together so you can make it fit or work for you?
Are you afraid that change is going to be hard? What if it’s easy?
What happens if you shift your perspective around change and transformation and instead of seeing it as hard, just see it as part of the flow that takes you into the outcome you want to create?
If you are intending something new in your life, change is part of that process. Be open to inviting the best, most wonderful, highest frequency outcomes for yourself and the changes will simply be part of the flow of that coming to you. Then you can plan for change instead of having your plans upset so you can learn to embrace change and the new beginnings that accompany it. We can’t create new beginnings from old attitudes & beliefs. Something has to be changed for a ‘new beginning’ to be actually ‘new’.
A rebirth can’t happen if we simply want something new but we aren’t willing to change a single thing about our life right now. The change doesn’t have to be huge (remember quantum describes a very small change that has an exponentially big result) but it has to be something. Change a thought, belief, attitude, how you see yourself, your expectations of your potential and your life, but be willing to change something and the results can surpass your most outrageous expectations. Big dreams need big thoughts to support them and at the very least, they need at least one small shift in another direction to happen. Shift happens when we are willing to change, transformation happens when we believe that change is just one aspect of the fulfillment of our intention.

Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

woensdag 11 februari 2015

Dertien dagen van innerlijke zuivering

Vandaag zijn we begonnen in de wavespell van Universeel Water, Zuiveren en Stromen: de Rode Maan.
In Maya-taal heet Rode Maan “Muluc”, uitgesproken als “moe’loek”. Traditionele vertalingen van Muluc zijn o.a. regen, water en traan. Het woord Muluc kan ook worden vertaald als “De Hereniging van Alles”.

Er wordt van ons gevraagd om alles te laten stromen…heb je er al iets van gemerkt vandaag? Stromen betekent “meegaan”; niet weerstaan, geen controle uitoefenen, werken met de natuurlijke omstandigheden van het moment – zoals de dingen zich voordoen. Dat is niet zozeer passief als wel ontvankelijk zijn, willend en open naar samenwerking met de goddelijke timing naarmate deze zich openbaart. Hier wordt dus aanspraak gemaakt op vertrouwen om dit toe te laten. Het mooie is: als je dit zelf toelaat, geef je anderen de ruimte hetzelfde te doen…

In de bijlage (pdf) lees je meer over de Rode Maan wavespell. Geniet ervan door dit oervertrouwen aan te spreken en wat er ook gebeurt, vertrouw erop dat het leven je precies geeft wat je nodig hebt.

Misschien heb je het al gezien, maar NASA gaf een heel erg mooi filmpje vrij een paar dagen geleden, van “de maan zoals u hem nog nooit gezien heeft”. Die is natuurlijk zo van toepassing, ik moest 'm met jullie delen, hij staat onder deze link: Maan-filmpje

Tot de volgende keer!
In Lak’ech
(=Maya groet, betekent: Ik ben een andere jij)

Aluna Joy Yaxk’in –  Maya Astrologie (boek)
Nicole E.Zonderhuis – website
Vasumi – website
Elvira van Rijn - website
Peter Toonen – De Twintig Gezichten van de Schepping (boek)
PAN-Holland (Marjon) – website

Alle vorige wavespells zijn terug te vinden op deze blog pagina.

5 steps to move from anger to action | Jennifer Hoffman

Anger isn’t an emotion that we like to dwell on because, aside from making us feel bad, we believe that ‘spiritual’ people don’t get angry. It’s a low energy emotion that we should not be expressing, and when we’re angry we aren’t very good light sources. All of this may be what we believe but it isn’t all true and in fact, believing it does us more harm than good because in order to fully process an emotion we need to know what it is and anger is one of our most powerful emotions, as well as an important source of self empowerment. It’s OK to be angry as long as we use our anger to take action and complete karmic cycles, moving from healing to wholeness.
We’re capable of a lot when we’re very angry and sometimes it takes a lot of anger for us to make a life move. Anger can make us powerful and when we’re angry we are often capable of things that we can’t do when we’re not angry. That’s the empowering side of anger and it’s unfortunate that we do require anger to move ahead. But the disempowering side of anger is the one we usually express, where we stew and rage, feel helpless, powerless, taken advantage of, and are angry with ourselves. Or we hide or deny it because we feel that we shouldn’t be angry with people, especially those who we believe should not make us angry or we should not be angry with.
To understand our anger we have to go back to our soul mission of achieving wholeness and our life purpose of healing. What makes us angry shows us where we have important life lessons and using the anger as a tool for empowerment, to reclaim our energy, is how we make the best use of the empowerment anger can provide us with.
Here are five steps to follow to use anger to take action and reclaim your power:
  1. Acknowledge the anger and accept that you are angry. It doesn’t do any good to pretend you’re not or to think you shouldn’t be angry. Then you judge your anger and make yourself wrong for having this emotion. Accept that you are angry so you can use the information your anger contains to help make different choices and work through these life lessons.
  1. Understand who you are angry with.  Whether it’s the person who did something to you, a situation you feel you couldn’t control, or are you angry with yourself for something that has happened to you yet again, knowing who you are angry with lets you focus on a more empowering solution. You can’t do anything about someone else’s behavior but you can make yourself a smaller or invisible target by not attracting that kind of person or behavior and by not repeating your own behavior from the past.
  1. Know what you’re angry about. What is it about the situation that makes you angry? What are you really feeling? This is a good time to journal or write out your real feelings about the situation, starting with “I am really angry about this because …”. This is a point of empowerment and denying or hiding your anger just delays your response until the next time something makes you angry.
  1. See where you have been giving your power away or not using it for your benefit. Where have you been disempowered or given your power away? Who did you entrust with your well-being (another word for wealth) instead of relying on your own intuition and guidance? This is the crucial part of the anger process because understanding the power loss helps you know where you don’t own your power and use it to your advantage and for your benefit.
  1. Choose to turn your anger ito something powerful and empowering. Harboring anger, keeping it all inside, is like, as the saying goes, “drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.” The person who made you angry doesn’t suffer when you stew with silent, frustrated rage for days, weeks, or years, you do. Choosing to be powerful, to take your anger to a different level, and to use your anger to change your beliefs, thoughts, and actions makes anger a powerful tool for your growth and wholeness.
Anger is a normal human emotion, with a long karmic and healing history, that we will experience from time to time. But anger by itself isn’t empowering, it’s what we decide to do with the anger that takes us down the empowered wholeness path. Healing happens when we acknowledge our responsibility in the matter and choose to apply what we learned from our anger to our life lessons. Wholeness occurs when we reclaim our power and stop repeating behavior, including attracting anger-inducing people who participate in our lessons.
Forgiveness figures into this process as well, but in the energetic sense. Forgiveness releases energy connections that we no longer want to be burdened with. And when we choose to use anger as a stepping stone to a more fulfilling, joyful, empowered life, we can also forgive the people and situations which created the anger so we don’t have to be angry with or around them any longer. The worst thing we can do is shame or blame ourselves for our anger, deny or hide it because we don’t think we should be feeling angry, or pretend it isn’t happening. Emotions are how we express energy and anger is an emotion that can be a useful tool when we don’t judge it and instead, use it to make different choices for ourselves that fulfill our intention for a joyful, joy-filled, loving, peaceful, and abundant life.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

donderdag 5 februari 2015

February 2015 Energy Forecast - The Energy of 2015 | Lee Harris

(Transcribed and edited from Lee's live video message.)

Hello and welcome to the February 2015 Energy Forecast.

This is my first forecast of 2015. It's lovely to be back with you and be here in 2015, a very different year.

So firstly, just a recap on a couple of things I've touched on over the years with the forecasts. 

Post-2012 Depression/Heaviness

Cast your mind back to 2012 and those of you who perhaps had big hopes or desires for what December 21, 2012 was going to bring. For a lot of people at that time, I would hear them speak about they couldn’t even think about beyond 2012 because they felt like it was such an important year - what now?

Well, I've mentioned before that there was a kind of post-2012 depression for a lot of spiritual or awake people . People who thought that something was going to happen but then didn't see manifest experience of that happening around them.

Well the good news is that in 2015 we’re far enough away from that marker point that things can really start to get grounded in compassionate, loving, spiritual-action for everybody.

2015 - a year of rising, loving action

Now this has been already happening for some of you in the last few years. Some of you have felt brighter and more grounded than ever before in what you can do in the world, and how you can use how you feel and what you see to help bring more consciousness through your actions. To bring that consciousness either towards a person that you meet, or a business that you're creating (and you want it to be a highly conscious business) - the areas are endless and that's how many of you have already been focusing your attention.

Teleurgesteld in de respons op wat jij de wereld te bieden hebt? | Ellen Scheffer

De laatste tijd kom ik het steeds weer tegen, zowel in mijn werk als spiritueel coach als bij vrienden en kennissen en ik ken het zelf ook maar al te goed. Ik heb het over teleurstelling.
Je hebt hard gewerkt aan jezelf, je hebt geleerd om je innerlijke leiding, de stem van je hart te volgen en doet nu langzamerhand steeds meer dat wat bij je past, het werk waarvoor je hier bent gekomen. Dat voelt heel goed en je twijfelt niet over de keuzes die je gedaan hebt. Maar….. je bent teleurgesteld over de respons die je krijgt. Je praktijk of activiteit die je aanbiedt loopt niet, er komen te weinig mensen. Als ze komen ben je in je element en voel je dat dit het is. Het gaat goed, mensen zijn enthousiast over wat je te bieden hebt en het is ook heel mooi werk wat je doet. Je zou zo graag willen dat er veel meer mensen van konden genieten en, je moet ten slotte ergens van leven, er moet meer geld binnenkomen, anders red je het niet financieel. Natuurlijk speelt de crisis een belangrijke rol. Mensen bezuinigen op cursussen, workshops en consulten die niet vergoed worden door de verzekering. Maar volgens mij dat is lang niet het hele verhaal.