maandag 14 januari 2013

The Energies of January | Jennifer Hoffman

Published January 6, 2013

Happy New Year! I believe it’s going to be a wonderful year and we will finally see the results of the work that we have been doing for decades. Don’t look for too many changes in January though, this month we’re setting the foundation for what is to come. This is a time for intention, balance, consideration, alignment and integration. We’re creating the boundaries for our path; the action and movement will come later. Although we want to jump out of the starting gate as soon as we think the wheels are beginning to turn, to get away from what has been limiting us but that’s like taking a trip without knowing where you want to go, or how you are going to get there and whether there is enough gas in the car to even get started.

January’s energies will feel relatively calm after the activity of the past three months. With the Uranus/Pluto square, the eclipse in November and December’s activity, we need some time to regroup and that is what we will find in January. Rather than feeling like nothing is happening, it’s more like watching ducks gliding across the water. On the surface it looks like they’re just floating along but under the surface, their little feet are pedaling fast. The surface may look and feel calm right now but there’s a lot happening under the surface for all of us.

It’s time for us to get serious about what we want to do now, starting with looking at where we are present in our lives. What are we focused on — where we have been or where we are going? Where is our energy flowing, in the past or in the present moment? How are we moving energy, through intention or wishful thinking? Intention is a conscious, directed and powerful focus on what we want to manifest in our life. With wishful thinking we hope things will turn out OK but feel out of control, powerless and off balance. We are powerful, divine beings whose human experience is a mirror of our ability to know ourselves as masters of energy. We can move energy but we have to set intentions for it to move in the direction we want it to. And we have to consider our energy budget.

We each have an energy budget which determines how much energy we have to create our reality. The amount of energy we can use, although the supply is unlimited, depends on where we are present, or where our focus is. Whatever that is, whether it is on this week’s problems, next week’s commitments, regrets from the past or fears about the future, that is where we are present and that is where our energy is going. And when our energy is going in many different directions, without focus or intention, our energy budget gets depleted rapidly.