In this video, I wanted to share a little on what I'm writing about in my next book about the exciting topic of surrender. I invite you to watch my TEDX talk on surrender (above) and please "like" it and leave comments under the video itself. I am eager to hear your ideas whether you agree with me or not--where surrender is hard to do and where you've succeeded. I invite a candid, alive discussion!
I'm intrigued with the idea of
surrender, not as defeat or loss but as a positive, intuitive way of
living, power that grows as you develop trust in the moment as well as
in change and the unknown. In Sanskrit, surrender is "samprada,"
meaning to give completely, or deliver wholly over. I'm defining it as
the grace of letting go at the right moment--the ability to accept
what-is, to exhale and flow downstream with the cycles of life instead
of battling them or anxiously brooding. Surrender doesn't mean always
saying "yes" to everything--that can be dangerous and unwise--but it
does mean going fully with a decision even if it entails withdrawing
from someone or saying "no" to anger or fear.