woensdag 5 december 2012

Energy Forecast december 2012 | Emmanuel Dagher

These monthly updates are here to provide clarity to what's going on energetically for us on the planet as a whole. As things continue shifting quickly, may you find peace, clarity & comfort with the energy of these forecasts. 
The 2012 Phenomenon
December 2012
Blessings miraculous friend,
Can you feel the global unity vortex building? We've officially passed through the doorway to higher consciousness and our collective paradigm is mirroring it right back to us at lightning speed. Although getting here definitely had its ups and downs (and still feels quite challenging at times), soon we'll be able to unpack our belongings and finally get the opportunity to settle into our very new realities.

What's coming up for us energetically on the near horizon will feel inspiring, supportive, and new, yet with a hint of familiarity that will awaken within us a sense that we are finally home. This sense of being at home within ourselves and our surroundings has been something many of us have yearned to experience for lifetimes, so these new energies aligning with us and bringing us closer to this feeling are sure to be welcomed with open arms.

We're definitely on the verge of an epic homecoming. The sense I personally get about it all is that it seems as if a thousand-year-old drought is finally coming to an end, and everything that had once been barren and dry will become replenished and lush again. A big part of our global revival is a direct result of our collective consciousness moving out of lack mentality and back into our hearts where abundance mentality resides.

If we are noticing feelings of being scattered, exhausted, irritated, emotional, angry, or off balance in any way right now, it's just our mind integrating with our very new realities. When the mind feels it is 'losing' something, it works overtime to do everything in its power to hold on to what it thinks it's losing. Right now, more than ever, is an excellent time to set the intention daily to truly remind ourselves that we are far greater than just our thought patterns, mind and experiences. We are spiritual and infinite beings having a physical experience, rather than physical beings having a spiritual experience.

Because we are going through so many daily changes and shifts, it's easy for the mind to go into fight or flight mode, because it doesn't really know what to do. So,......