In 2000 I got cable TV and after a few months, my cable stopped working, so I placed a service call to have it repaired. The cable guy came, picked up the remote, pushed a few buttons and asked me “Did you change the batteries in the remote?” I said “I didn’t know it took batteries, I thought it worked off the TV.” To his credit he didn’t laugh out loud but the look on his face told me he couldn’t believe what I had just said. So I got some batteries, he put them in the remote and it worked just fine. I am sure he has shared that story many times, gotten some good laughs from it, and the call center people were told to ask customers to change the batteries in the remote before they sent someone out to fix the cable.
Now I am fairly intelligent and I know how things work but since the remote worked by pointing it at the TV, I thought there was something in the TV that powered the remote. (I also never looked at the bottom of the remote since it’s the top part that holds the buttons.) The problem was not with the TV or the cable at all, I just needed to change the batteries in the remote. And our lives work in the same way. We create our reality, so what is going on in our reality isn’t powered by the reality itself, we are sending out the energy that is creating the situation. If we look to the outside and wonder what’s wrong with it, we are ignoring the need to make changes in the energy we are using to create that situation.
Our outside world has no power over us because it is our creation, just like the images we see on a television. Every challenging situation we experience began with an energy we set in motion, and if we want to change it, we have to create the change at the level of our energy outflows, just as we need to press a button on the remote to change the TV channel. The television won’t power the remote, the remote controls the TV. And when the situation no longer works for us, brings us joy, and does not serve our needs, the remote control may need new batteries, or in other words, we need to change the energy we are using to create our reality.
This is also seen in one of my favorite Universal laws, the Law of Cause and Effect which states that everything in our reality is a cause, or an outcome, and we are the effect, the creator. And as the creator, we have the power to create something different in every situation. As we approach a cosmic event this week, look at your life with detachment and discernment and if you don’t like what you see, check the batteries as you may need new ones. And remember that the remote powers the TV and you can always change the channel, but if the remote isn’t working, don’t blame the television.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, link to, or translate or share this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website.