The Star Elders want to ask you a question.
The Star Elders through Aluna Joy
The Star Elders want to ask you a question.
The Star Elders through Aluna Joy
We are growing more curious about your placing
importance on dates and times that are not part of your normal and natural
rhythms. Normal rhythms in your human space suit are these: the sun
rising and setting, the moon cycles, the 4 seasons, your solar year, larger
cycles like the procession of the equinoxes, and a cosmic cycle that imitates
throughout nature and the cosmos (One being the Mayan calendar - Tzolk'in).
And for a human, your personal normal rhythms are your birthdate, many
planetary returns and your 52nd and 104th year fire ceremony times.
These are just a few of the true natural times that are undeniably
evident and provable in your universe, in nature and in your human
The Gregorian calendar was created to throw humanity
out of sync with natural time. So why do you believe 11-11 or any other
number is important then? The 24 hour clock was also created to keep
humans in line, on time, and even controlled and enslaved. Only a few
original cultures (indigenous) still live on natural time (Indian time).
So we are curious, why do you think any given
Gregorian date or digital clock time is more powerful than each and every
moment in your lives? We are concerned that you are tossing away huge
sections of your lives while waiting and watching for a special time or date?
These times, that you are making important, are made up and not based on
natural time or nature itself. Every heart beat and every breath you take
is just as important as the last and one, and the one you will take next.
We don't understand why you wait for the next alleged important moment
when the one you are in is just as powerful and could be a life changer.
You call out and ask to be set free but you are caging yourself in with
your free will to choose false times and dates.
When you notice 11-11 (or 12-12, etc…), it doesn't
mean in that moment that you are being watched by angels, or guardians or are
having a divine synchronicity. You are watched over by your angels and
guardians every single millisecond of the day. If you seeing 11-11 on your
digital clock reminds you of this, you are missing out on the unlimited
potential of the other 1,339 minutes in your very sacred and precious day!
Each moment has the potential to manifest a divine synchronicity if you
just gave it the recognition and attention that it deserves.
Just because we are sharing this on 11-11 does not
make our message any more or less powerful. Your many organized global
meditations, which are divine, blessed events, and do positively impact your
world, are only powerful because large numbers of people are encouraged to
gather at a synchronized time. When two or more are gathered I AM there!
The I AM is your divine and highest presence. You feel the power
because the many people, that have joined you, have multiplied your singular
energy a thousand fold. This is an undeniable world changing power.
So we are curious, why do you think so little of your divine power that
you feel you must align yourself with a faux Gregorian day or faux digital
time? Do you feel these unnatural times would make your efforts more
powerful? You are giving your power away to faux times.
If you choose to use a special time for global
events, we wonder why you don't use natural times. Your efforts could be
greatly enhanced by the universe if you planned events on natural times and
intersections like equinoxes, solstices, etc.... But we want to be very
clear again … Every moment is just as powerful as any other, and when two or
more gather as one, unified in love, that is an unstoppable light and power
that will change the world.
We feel all this attention on faux times is a
symptom that you are STILL not truly believing in your divine power as a living
master and human being. So we are asking you today to realize that each
and every moment that you have in this incarnation is completely powerful and
is not to be overlooked.
Again ... Each and every moment of your life is
divinely guided by your higher presence. We are asking you to toss your
dependence on any faux time, and believe in your divine and loving God
presence in every moment in every day. Do you want to be set free, be
enlightened and be abundant? Then don't waste a moment. Each beat
of your heart and every breath that you take is your divine and powerful time
to create an illuminated world.
We see your outrageous, wild and
divine potential. We are holding space for you to realize this
potential. We truly believe in you as your ancestors and star family.
Now all that is left to do is for you to fully believe in yourself too!
Copyright © 1995-2015 Aluna Joy
Yaxkin -
We are happy to give permission to share this message as long as this message
remains complete, un-edited and shared freely.
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