dinsdag 2 juli 2013

Explaining "Unconditional Love" | Anita Moorjani

When speaking about my experience in the other realm, one of the most difficult tasks for me is to explain the feeling of unconditional love I felt, because there are no words that are adequate to describe it. Even the word “love” doesn’t come close to what it really felt like, and doesn’t do it justice at all, as it is something that I had never experienced before, in this life. 

If we were to make a comparison between the physical love that we feel in this realm with the unconditional love of the other realm, it would almost be like comparing the soft, cool glow from a firefly with the blazing heat and light from the sun. When the sun is shining, we are bathed in glorious warmth and light. It completely wraps us in its brilliance. It's unconditional. The sun doesn't choose whom it's going to give warmth and light to and who it's not. The sun just is. Everyone gets bathed in its splendor, warmth, and brilliance when we are in it. And the sun never stops shining. We may not be able to see it all the time due to the earth's rotation. Yet the sun itself is unconditional in it's giving of light. When we are turned away from the sun due to the earth’s rotation, someone else is turned towards it. 

The firefly's small glow, on the other hand, is much more discriminating, more selective, more conditional, very low power. It’s how love in this physical world seems compared with the light from the sun. I have to be in direct line-of-sight with the firefly even to see it, and still then, it's really easy to miss or lose sight of. It’s beautiful in its own way but rather pale and paltry compared with the sun. We have to keep focused on the firefly, keep working at following it as it flits here and there if we want to keep seeing it's light. That's what earthly love feels like in comparison with the full-out, unconditional love of the other realm. 

One of the insights I gained from being in the full-force of love in the other realm is that unconditional love is a state, not an emotion. It's a state of being, and this means it has no opposite. Human love in this physical world is an emotion and, as with all other emotions, it is part of duality. This means it is one side of the coin, and has an opposite emotion to balance it out, such as fear, or jealousy. But unconditional love has no opposite— it just is. It’s not one side of the coin – it’s the whole coin! 

I would also like to take this opportunity to mention here that I will be doing a 4-week online seminar, during which I will cover some new topics like relationships, money, among other things.

It starts on July 11th (details are HERE) and Hay House are very generously bringing it to us for the lowest possible price of $50 for all 4 weeks, so that as many people as possible can join us!
And during this course, I will be taking phone calls from listeners. This really excites me because it means I get to talk to you individually, over the phone, and answer your questions directly! So I sincerely hope that you will join me!!
Until next time, I wish you tons of love, joy and laughter in your life!!

Much love ♥

Anita Moorjani

