zondag 10 maart 2013

Energy Forecast | Emmanuel Dagher

These monthly updates are created with the intention of providing clarity to what's going on energetically on the planet as a whole. As things continue to shift quickly, may these energy forecasts provide you with clarity & comfort.
Awakening the Lotus Heart
March 2013

Hi beautiful friend,

It's a deep honor for me to connect with you again. The month of February has been relatively quiet, however with all the celestial happenings things have started to pick up again as we move into March.

The Lotus

The prominent theme emerging right now in our personal lives, and ultimately in the collective, is the continued awakening of the lotus heart. To understand what the lotus heart is, it's important to look at what the lotus itself actually represents.

The Lotus flower has been quite a significant part of many cultures from ancient times until present day. The lotus flower represents divine purity, enlightenment, abundance and rebirth. If we look at where the lotus actually thrives the most, it is in the muddiest of waters where it rises and blossoms into its full glory. This is a powerful metaphor that reminds us of the lotus within ourselves. It reminds us that on a soul level, we knew, prior to entering this earthly matrix, that even though we would move through the muddy waters of life, we too would blossom into our full glory. We knew that every experience we went through would move us closer to connecting with and embodying the truest, most divine part of ourselves.

So what is the lotus heart actually? It's the higher heart where divine love, bliss and freedom reside. These energies are who we are at our core. When the lotus within fully blossoms, there is no longer a need to dwell on or in our muddy past, because we know it all brought us to where we are today. We are in a time and space now where we can allow the lotus within to melt away the armor we've carried all these lifetimes. We can invite it to guide us towards a more blissful, comfortable and gentle journey.

Self Love - The Ultimate Priority

The first step to awakening the lotus heart is to love ourselves completely in all ways. For thousands of years, most societies have taught us to put everyone and everything ahead of us. Then, if we have any love left over at the end, we can give it to ourselves. For the most part, if we did not abide by this invisible rule of thumb, we were considered to be selfish. And because being selfish in our society is so looked down upon, it's natural that we do everything we can to avoid being looked at in this way. In truth, what this mindset does is to separate us from experiencing our truest most fulfilled selves.

We are here to love ourselves first and foremost, and we're not talking about egotistical/narcissistic love. We are talking about the kind of love that aligns us with the knowing that by loving ourselves we open up to becoming One with everything. This kind of love reminds us that we are actually the Universe expanding into more of itself. Because our minds have not been exposed to this way of thinking, it can be a little overwhelming to accept that we are actually the Universe itself. So, let's be gentle with ourselves as the mind digests and anchors this wisdom at its own pace.

Galactic Love

By setting the intention to have a daily practice of self love, we start to replenish our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to such a degree that we no longer look outside of ourselves to feel complete, happy and whole. It is from this space of overflowing love that we can then be of service to, support and elevate the environment around us. Then, self love no longer appears as a selfish act, but rather it appears as a selfless act that honors and reveres the Universe within ourselves, in others and in all of life across time and space. Self love then leads us into Galactic love where we transcend all illusions of separation.

Letting Go of the Story

When the energies start to pick up as they are now, it can bring up to the surface deeply buried emotions that may feel uncomfortable. ....continue reading here