zaterdag 29 september 2012

Volle Maan Meditatie zondag 30 september | Martha van Mourik

Explosieve ommekeer in de materie/vernieuwde werkelijkheid ! 


"appels" foto Jan van Mourik

Lieve Lichtwerkers,

Er is veel gaande in het universum en hier op aarde. Velen zullen voelen dat we echt in het jaar 2012 leven, waarin grote veranderingen zijn voorspeld. De frequentieverhogingen gaan maar door. Dit heeft grote gevolgen voor ons mensen in de materie. Alles is aan het ‘opliften’ en onze lichamen, geest en ziel gaan hierin mee. We zullen moeten veranderen om de toenemende frequentieverhogingen te kunnen absorberen. De balans in ons totale wezen verandert continue. Afstemming van geest op lichaam, en visa versa,  is essentieel om goed te kunnen functioneren. Het contact met onze innerlijke leiding en onze Bron is nodig om de veranderingen soepel te kunnen ondergaan. Zo niet, dan ontstaat er grote verwarring bij de mens.
Daarom is de versterking van onze innerlijke weg niet alleen noodzakelijk, maar ook niet te vermijden. Het zal nodig zijn om te kunnen leven op de aarde van nu en straks.

Lees hier verder...

dinsdag 18 september 2012

Seeing heart | Mind Map Inspiration

Seeing heart feels infinite and timeless love; the kind of love that feels without the analysis of thought

Seeing heart offers the warmth of forgiveness; the kind of forgiveness that wholly knows the past is over and people are by nature imperfect

Seeing heart comforts sad thoughts, bathing them in silence; the kind of silence that knows of patience and the fleeting unreality of the comedy known as thinking

Seeing heart dreams of brighter tomorrows, however dark the past; the kind of dreams that know that when light meets right timing miracles are born

Seeing heart cradles learning and births wisdom through experience; the kind of wisdom that can stop thoughts in the present and leave an immortal legacy in the future

Seeing heart breathes in awe of natural beauty, warms your heart and rejuvenates a cluttered or tired mind

Seeing heart uses the senses as windows to light the soul; the kind of windows that awaken the inner realm to meet and appreciate the outer realm

Seeing heart shelters ephemeral and fleeting moments of sadness and heartache; the kind of moments that can shift in an instant from the cold of despair to the warmth of pure joy

Seeing heart listens, looks, waits, acknowledges and senses the right time for harmony; the kind of harmony that flowers from dormancy like a 2,000 year old seed capturing sun and rain after an endless drought

Seeing heart explains the inexplicable; the kind of insight that dawns only when the smaller and bigger picture merge into oneness

Seeing heart knows; the kind of knowing without the need to know, like intuition and unconditional love

by Paul Foreman at Mind Map Inspiration

Overvloed aantrekken? | Emmanuel Dagher

If you'd like to attract more abundance in your life, this mantra may be just for you!

Mantras are extremely powerful tools that can support us in creating even more miracles in our lives. Every now & then, I will share some mantras that I have worked wonders for many people including myself.

Before doing a mantra, let's imagine the millions who have also repeated the same exact mantra before us. Think about the potent vortex they have already created for us to step into by doing this. This quick little step allows us to honor all of those who have held the space for us. By doing this simple little step, the energies behind the mantra of our choice will magnify many fold, leading to miraculous results.

One of my favorite mantras to work with is Om Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha: This mantra is a blessings mantra for abundance and prosperity on both the physical and spiritual planes. I like to repeat this mantra for about 5-10 minutes each day while visualizing a beautiful golden cloud above me showering me with abundance. To hear how this mantra sounds, YouTube has some wonderful videos to check out. If you'd like to attract more abundance in your life, try it out for 30 days & see what begins showing up for you!

Emmanuel Dagher via twitter

vrijdag 14 september 2012

Ze is weer actief!!! | Karen Bishop

Na jarenlang prachtige mailings te hebben rondgestuurd heeft Karen Bishop vorig jaar besloten te stoppen met haar Energy Alerts/Wings posts en heeft ze haar website uit de lucht gehaald.

Gelukkig voor ons voelt ze zich weer opgeladen en zijn haar nieuwe berichten via haar (ook) nieuwe website  te lezen. Dit keer stuurt ze geen mailings meer, maar plaatst ze ze slechts op haar site waar je uit eigen beweging naar toe kan. Ze heeft haar redenen om haar posts alleen op deze manier te verspreiden. Geen probleem voor de die hard fans onder ons, en als je het nog niet was, join the club :-)  De posts raad ik je zeer aan, vooral als je bijvoorbeeld wilt weten wat de symptomen van de huidige maand zijn. Wel is het handig als je makkelijk Engelse teksten leest.

Veel leesplezier, dit is de link naar haar posts:

maandag 10 september 2012

Right, wrong and the truth | Jennifer Hoffman

I recently had a rather heated discussion with a friend who was trying to convince me that I was wrong about something. She was quite irritated that I would not agree with her because as far as I was concerned I wasn’t wrong. And I wasn’t trying as hard to convince her of my ‘right-ness’ as she was in insisting that I was wrong. This wasn’t about right or wrong, though, it was about truth. Any time there is a right or wrong in a situation, the real issue at hand is the truth, and whose truth is true.

Read the rest of this article on the blog by clicking here. You can comment and share your insights on the blog.

dinsdag 4 september 2012

Energy Forecast september | Emmanuel Dagher

Beacons of Love
September 2012
Blessings beautiful friend,

It's such an honor to reconnect with you once again. As the seasons begin to change and a gentle feeling of anticipation slowly fills the air once again. Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year.

The Wise Oak Tree
Recently, as I was going on one of my usual relaxing nature walks, I felt guided to take a different path than I normally do. While walking down the remote and off the map trail, I felt a sense of peace wash over me even though I had no idea where I was actually going. After walking for about 30 minutes or so, I noticed off in the distance a majestic looking oak tree that had to be quite a few centuries old. As I got closer to the tree, I noticed that the peaceful feeling I had earlier grew even more present within me. After a few moments of admiring and connecting with the wise oak tree, it hit me that I was sitting in the presence of Divinity itself. Everything from the grass under the tree to the singing birds and other wildlife playing off in the distance began to look and feel completely different. It felt as if I was observing everything through the eyes of the Universe itself. 

These monthly updates are here to provide clarity to what's going on energetically for us on the planet as a whole. As things continue shifting quickly, may you find peace, clarity & comfort with the energy of these forecasts. 

maandag 3 september 2012

Angel Detox Month | Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue heeft september uitgeroepen tot detox-maand en 
geeft dagelijks ondersteunende tips over natuurvoeding